riteSCAN 8 Order Packing Introduction
The riteSCAN Order Packing module provides a mechanism to manage the packing of items once picked. The Order Packing module can be found under the Pick & Receive tab in riteSCAN. This guide will cover the use of the Order Packing module.
Order Packing Settings
Blind Packing
Enabling Blind Picking forces the user to enter the quantity without seeing the quantity picked. Lots and Serials will not appear in the browse windows. This forces users to count items being packed and not simply enter the data from Order Picking.
Packing Modes
Packing Mode can be found in the Order Packing Roles Setup page and sets the mode of operation for the module between Orders mode (Single Sales Orders are entered and shown in the list) and Batches mode (Pick Lists are created in Order Management and used in Order Picking and Packing).
Status Change at Complete effects the status of the Sales Order, and can be set to Status 8, 4 or 3.
Generate Dispatch at Complete and Generate Shipment at Complete control if the module will generate the respective items after Packing is done and the Compete button is clicked or tapped.
Capture Picking User will control if the Operator is saved to a SYSPRO Custom Form on the Order's Header or line when processing an order. Pallet information can also be saved to a Custom Form if licensed for Pallet Tracking.
Order Packing Walkthrough
As you enter the Order Packing module you’ll see a list of available Sales Orders that have been Picked and Completed in the Order Picking Module and are ready to be Packed. If the Sales Order has not been Picked and Completed in Order Picking it will not be available in Packing.
Enter or scan a Sales Order or Pick List number into the search bar or select the Sales Order number from the list on the screen.
After selecting the Sales Order you will see the Stock Codes Picked on the Order. You can view records of previous Picks, Packs and Shipments.
You can choose an existing Box, or create a New Box for assigning the Pack to a Shipment if needed.
Enter or scan a Stock Code into the search bar or select the Stock Code from the list on the screen.
Enter the desired Quantity and click Pack.
Pack any additional Stock Codes or Lines on the Order that will be Packed.
Returning to the Stock Codes, you can choose to view the Pack Slip or click Complete to finish Packing.
While viewing the Print Slip, click Print to print the slip.
Additional Help and Support
If you need additional assistance, we are here to help. Visit our support portal or contact our support team.
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- Email our support team at [email protected] or call us at 1-320-252-6830, ext. 885 or 1-866-580-7483.