The following error can be resolved by Uninstalling the riteSCAN Web Service or the riteSCAN Administration Application and Reinstalling it.
To know which one needs to be uninstalled and reinstalled look under Command Line > AppName=.
Error content:
Failed to register or unregister application due to
"System.ApplicationException: Unable to register application because not all required application settings are specified:
Listen endpoints are either not specified or are already taken by other applications.
at UWS.Configuration.WebAppConfigEntry.ApplyFinalDefaultsAndValidateBeforeSaving()
at UWS.Configuration.Metabase.RegisterApplicationInternal(HostProcessConfigEntry hostProcess, WebAppConfigEntry application, ICollection`1 shortcuts)
at UWS.Configuration.Metabase.RegisterApplicationWith(HostProcessClrAndBitness hostType, Boolean useDefaultSharedHostProcess, ProcessIdentity processIdentity, WebAppConfigEntry application, ICollection`1 shortcuts)
at UWS.Configuration.Metabase.RegisterApplication(RuntimeVersion aspNetVersion, Boolean run32bitOnx64, Boolean useDefaultSharedHostProcess, ProcessIdentity processIdentity, WebAppConfigEntry application, ICollection`1 shortcuts)
at UWS.RegApp.Program.DoIt(Dictionary`2& pBag)
at UWS.RegApp.Program.Main(String[] args)".
Command line:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\UltiDev\Web Server\UWS.RegApp.exe" /r /appid={ACA6E126-AD23-41EA-BB07-2890FFB5E8AE} /path="C:\Program Files (x86)\riteSOFT\riteSCAN Web Service\\" /clr=4 /FORCE32BITON64 /defaultdoc="ritescan.asmx" /AppName="riteSCAN Web Service" /AppDescription="riteSCAN Web Service" /listenendpoints="http://*:8300" /vdir="/" /AppHost="PrivateLocalSystem" /CreateShortcut="false"
If seeing this error:
You will need to make sure to run this installation file as administrator.
If that does not solve the issue. Remove the file and reboot the server then redownload and run as administrator.