riteSOFT Support

Unhandled Exception Message - Troubleshooting

The high-level answer is that somewhere in the process, something unexpected is happening that the developers did not anticipate. Many things could cause this, but things to look for would be a unusual workflow, unusual combination of data, or SYSPRO queries coming back with errors that the developers may not have anticipated. You could check the log of queries to see if that offers any insight. Reloading and posting is probably fine, the only concern would be that data could get screwed up if it is being partially posted before the unhandled exception occurs. If you would keep posting, I would just make sure that they spend more time checking that the data is correct, but it really depends on the unhandled exception some may occurs while posting and some may occur after posting.



  • Look at the history in riteSCAN to see the XML that was being sent
  • Take a look at the Log File to see what was being sent if it is not captured in the History
  • Open up your Development Console (F12) to see if there is a piece of data that riteSCAN is not understanding or being sent properly
  • If there is a Post taking place, please take a look at the state of the data in SYSPRO to see if it was posted or partially posted if it is not apparent in riteSCAN.

Once documented all the information from the Troubleshooting section, please report these findings to our support team.

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