riteSOFT Support

Android Chrome Unhandled Exception at Login page or data not updating on pages in PWA Mode

This happens when the version of Chrome on the handheld is out of date and needs to be updated, the fix is to update Chrome on the Android device.

Situation #1 - Using the Chrome Web Browser to connect to riteSCAN 8 and getting Unhandled Exception errors immediately when the Login Page loads.

Situation #2 - When the Chrome PWA is installed by using this guide:  https://support.ritesoft.com/a/solutions/articles/16000149888

In this situation, the quantities Picked/Received/Entered into riteSCAN are not updating the quantities required or quantities already Picked/Received in modules within riteSCAN 8. This was particularly evident in Order Picking, the quantities being Picked were not updating the quantities on the Items tab.

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